Let’s face it — nowadays anything online, from buying the newest items to joining a forum and accessing exclusive information, requires users to create an account and/or log in. In fact, the average internet user has upwards of 90 personal accounts. That’s a lot of credentials to keep track of!
Plus, users aren’t the only ones that have to create accounts; your admins need to log in to access the back-end of your website as well.
Logging in is an essential part of enjoying the vast offerings of the internet, and it’s often the first action users take on any website. However, many web developers don’t put much thought into exactly how users will log in to their sites.
That’s a missed opportunity! Making the login process easy for users can help improve their overall experience on your website, which can encourage them to return in the future. Additionally, a highly secure site is more likely to protect you and your users from large-scale data breaches.
If you’re looking to improve the login process on your own WordPress website, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite login plugins that can provide a seamless and safer user experience:
Feel free to skip around to the sections that interest you most, or read along from the top to find out what each of these plugins has to offer.
Ready to get started? Let’s jump in!
WordPress Login Plugin #1: Swoop Password-Free Authentication

WordPress Login Plugin Overview
Swoop’s main objective is to help businesses make their login process as easy as possible. With our helpful plugin, users will be able to login with just two clicks — no password needed!
We all know how frustrating it can be to create and remember a different password for every account we create online. Not to mention, password breaches are all too common and can compromise millions of accounts due to insecure user-generated credentials.
At Swoop, our mission is to eliminate the password and reduce security vulnerabilities using our magic authentication process. Our plugin allows users to verify their identities and log in to corresponding accounts using only their email account. Here’s how it works:

Once a user clicks on the “Swoop In with Email” button, they’ll be directed to a pre-written email walking them through the next steps. All the user has to do is click “send” and we’ll run the request through four layers of security protocols to verify that the login attempt came from the intended user.
Key Login Plugin Features
Our technology makes logging in easy and secure for users. The Swoop plugin comes with many powerful features, including:
- Compatibility with mobile and desktop devices
- Two-click sign-up and login buttons
- Four layers of security, including authentication with DKIM, SPF, and a proprietary security algorithm
- Custom branding to match your brand image and style
- Magic Link™ Authentication that sends a highly secure link to a user, who is then verified when they click the link in their email
- Magic Message™ Authentication that allows users to send a pre-populated mailto link to verify their identity
- 1-click connect for repeat visitors
With Swoop’s WordPress plugin, you can rest assured that your users’ login information is protected and eliminate the need for passwords.
Why Your Website Needs Swoop’s WordPress Login Plugin
Passwords are quickly becoming a thing of the past. That’s why here at Swoop, we’re ushering in a new way to authenticate users that’s more secure and universal than any other alternative. All the user needs to get started is an email account, and who doesn’t have one of those?
By removing the common frustrations associated with setting up and logging into an account, you can encourage even more of your visitors to register and continue engaging on your website time and time again. There’s no password to remember, a significantly lower risk of cyber-criminals gaining access, and it’s super easy for you and your users to get started.
You can get started with Swoop today for free! Websites with up to 1,000 users are always able to utilize Swoop’s authentication methods free of charge. For larger sites, your first 10,000 users are free for the first year, with pricing plans beginning at only $49/year.
WordPress Login Plugin #2: Colorlib Login Customizer

WordPress Login Plugin Overview
Colorlib Login Customizer is a WordPress login page plugin that lets you personalize your login form. The creators of Colorlib realize that branding your login form is a great way to instill trust in your users and establish a seamless process from step 1. If your login form looks like the rest of your website’s brand, users will feel more comfortable creating an account.
Their plugin allows you to make customizations via WordPress Customizer, which is a user-friendly interface that both beginners and experts will love. Even better, it only takes seconds to create a stunning form.
Choose from different color options, background images, and many other elements to make your form match the look and feel of your entire website.
Key Login Plugin Features
Colorlib offers a whole host of capabilities that allow you to boost the appearance of your WordPress login page, including the ability to:
- Add your logo and adjust its dimensions
- Change the background color
- Upload your own images
- Set the width and height of the form
- Create borders
- Adjust the button color
When you download the Colorlib WordPress login plugin, you’ll have the freedom to create a login form that is fully customizable and perfect for your site.
Why Your Website Needs This WordPress Login Plugin
Without this plugin, your website is left with the classic WordPress login page. Not only is this a page that multiple websites will have, but it also lacks any connection to your brand. That’s where Colorlib comes in!
Having a branded login page will help gain your users’ trust and strengthen your website’s online presence. Additionally, having a cohesive website — all the way down to the login page — adds a professional, polished feel to your website.
Limitations of this Plugin
While this plugin works to provide a more visually appealing login process for its users, it does nothing to ramp up security or keep unwanted activity out. Therefore, it’s a good idea to utilize Colorlib in conjunction with another plugin, like Swoop.
The best part about Colorlib is that it’s completely free to use. All you need to get started is download the plugin file, upload it to your WordPress directory, and then activate it.
WordPress Login Plugin #3: When Last Login
WordPress Login Plugin Overview
When Last Login is a WordPress plugin created by YooHoo Plugins. This plugin has a simple purpose: to let you see active users on your website based on the last login time and date. The plugin will add an additional column called “Last Login” to your user list with a timestamp linked to each user.
With this plugin, you’ll have a record of every time a user logs into your website. Insights into your users’ login history can help you see which users are most engaged on your site and which users could use a little more encouragement.

In addition to the basic plugin, When Last Login comes with several premium add-ons that can enhance your features. For example, you can add a Welcome Email feature that lets you send an email to users who log in for the first time and a User Statistics add-on which allows you to download users’ login history and generate reports based on a specific date or time.
Key Login Plugin Features
Even without any premium features, the When Last Login plugin allows you to:
- See when a user last logged into your site
- Filter users based on their last login
- Integrate with other plugins like Paid Membership Pro to track login timestamps for members
- Track a user’s entire login history and record their IP address
When Last Login can provide valuable insights into your users’ activity and allow you to make better-informed decisions based on the information provided.
Say Goodbye to Passwords
Hello to Secure Logins.
Go passwordless and delight your users with secure and seamless one-click login.
Why Your Website Needs This WordPress Login Plugin
Having an account of when and how often users log into your website can offer an inside look into which users are the most engaged. You can use this information to determine what days or times get the most engagement, which can be used to determine when you should publish new content. Then you can reach out to any inactive users to encourage them to visit your site again.
Plus, there are huge security benefits to having easy access to login records. If something goes wrong, you can quickly determine who was online and when.
Limitations of this Plugin
When Last Login can be useful for solving security issues once they’ve occurred by showing you who was logged in and when. However, it can’t do much on its own to prevent such issues from arising in the first place.
When Last Login plugin is free to download and get started with. However, if you’d like additional features such as the ability to generate reports, export data, and other integrations, you’ll have to pay an additional fee ranging from $9.95 to $99.95.
WordPress Login Plugin #4: Frontend Reset Password

WordPress Login Plugin Overview
Frontend Reset Password by Square One Media is a WordPress login plugin that allows your website users to reset their password on the front-end of your site. This way, your users can avoid using the default WordPress reset form and gain access to their accounts in the simplest way possible.
With this tool, users are able to fill in their username or email address and have a reset password link emailed to them. This WordPress login plugin is ideal for websites that have disabled access to the WordPress dashboard or want to have the reset password form on a custom page.
Key Login Plugin Features
Frontend Reset Password comes with several features including:
- Three-step setup
- Password reset forms that match your website theme
- Ability to customize the font in reset forms
- Minimum character requirement for passwords
While the Frontend Reset Password tool is ready to use the moment you set it up, you’re able to customize various elements to create a form that is unique to your site.
Why Your Website Needs This WordPress Login Plugin
Having to rest a password can be a frustrating experience for users. Having a password reset form that matches your website’s brand makes users feel more comfortable about entering their information.
When you use Frontend Reset Password, you’re not only giving users a simple experience but also peace of mind. They’ll feel confident that their login information is protected when using your custom reset form.
Limitations of this Plugin
While this plugin can provide a more convenient process for resetting a password once it’s been forgotten (which happens to the best of us, of course), it’s important to note that having to reset a password is inconvenient in and of itself. Plus, having the option to regularly reset a password can open up an account to new vulnerabilities and an increased likelihood of a hacker gaining access.
Frontend Reset Password is free to use. Once you’ve downloaded the plugin, include their shortcode on any page you want!
WordPress Login Plugin #5: WP Security Questions

WordPress Login Plugin Overview
This login plugin allows you to set and customize any security questions that you’d like to implement in order to strengthen security on users’ accounts. You’ve likely seen security questions in use on a variety of websites, either in place of or in addition to a password-based authentication system.
WP Security Questions makes it easier than ever to add such a feature to your own website. In doing so, you have the option to add security questions to your registration, login, and/or forgotten password screens.
Key Login Plugin Features
This plugin offers key features such as:
- An unlimited number of security questions
- The ability to show/hide questions on the registration page
- The ability to show/hide questions on the login page
- The ability to show/hide questions on the forgotten password page
Because you’re able to adjust the settings for this plugin, you’ll be able to create a custom-fit system for your website that, ideally, lets users in easily while blocking out any unwanted activity.
Why Your Website Needs This WordPress Login Plugin
We know that passwords, on their own, are not an entirely secure system for authenticating users. By adding an additional step of answering basic security questions, (i.e. mother’s maiden name, first pet’s name, the city you were born in, etc.) you can continue to turn away unauthorized users attempting to gain access to accounts that are not theirs.
Limitations of this Plugin
Just as security questions can conveniently help users gain access to their accounts, it’s also convenient for cyber-criminals. After all, the answers to most security questions can be found online through various social media platforms anyway.
WP Security Questions offers both free and pro versions of their plugin, so you can choose which features you need most for your site.
WordPress Login Plugin #6: WC Password Strength Settings

WordPress Login Plugin Overview
WC Password Strength Settings is a WordPress plugin that allows you, as the website developer, to set various requirements concerning users’ password security levels. The plugin provides five options from which to choose, ranging from “anything goes” to “strong passwords only.”
This way, when a user initially registers for your website, (or updates their password down the line) they must comply with whichever settings you chose.
Key Login Plugin Features
This plugin allows you to:
- Display a password strength meter
- Choose from five levels of password security requirements
- Modify or remove password hints
- Adjust colors and appearances of custom messages
Plus, the development team behind this tool is continuously working to implement new and improved features such as increased admin control and flexibility with messaging.
Why Your Website Needs This WordPress Login Plugin
Let’s say you’d like to require that passwords must contain 8+ characters, upper and lower case letters, a number, and one special character. If a user attempts to register with the password “1234,” they will be automatically met with a warning message that their password is too weak, and will be promoted to enter an updated credential that meets required standards.
This way, users are unable to move forward with creating an account until they’ve entered a more effective password. This can save you, and your users, a lot of trouble down the road by discouraging the most-used and most-hacked credentials from being used on your site.
Limitations of this Plugin
While this plugin can encourage users to set stronger passwords, it can ultimately lead to a false sense of security because passwords are inherently flawed. Plus, hackers are constantly developing better technology to crack even stronger passwords, many of which follow well-known patterns when certain requirements are upheld.
WC Password Strength Settings is free to use on any WordPress site. Simply download the plugin, adjust your settings, and you’ll be ready to go.
WordPress Login Plugin #7: Expire Passwords
WordPress Login Plugin Overview

Expire Passwords is an open-source software plugin that does exactly what the title says. After a predetermined amount of time, a user’s password will expire. As this occurs, users will be forced to update their password for your website, which keeps their accounts fresh and up-to-date.
The default settings on this plugin require users to reset their passwords every 90 days, although this number can be increased or decreased as you see fit. Additionally, you have the option to determine which types of users must update their passwords, with the options being Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, and Subscriber. Again, the default settings require all non-admin users to comply with password update standards.
Key Login Plugin Features
The Expire Passwords plugin allows you to:
- Determine the maximum time a password can be used for
- Choose which user roles are required to update their passwords
- Receive customer support in English, Czech, or Spanish
This simple tool provides you with the functionality you need to make sure users’ passwords are updated accordingly.
Why Your Website Needs This WordPress Login Plugin
The idea behind forced password expirations is that if a user has the same password for too long, they’re more likely to be hacked. When users regularly update their passwords, however, they’re able to secure their accounts and decrease the likelihood of unwanted users gaining access.’
Plus, this plugin can be especially useful for keeping your website up to standard to meet various industry-wide security requirements, such as those in government, banking, or healthcare.

1-Click Login is a simple & secure password-free authentication service.
With our patented technology, your website can improve security & increase customer conversion by removing passwords.
Limitations of this Plugin
Requiring users to regularly update their credentials often leads to variations of the same password recycled over and over again, which can pose a significant threat to website security. Not to mention, it can be inconvenient for users.
Expire Passwords is a free, open source WordPress plugin that anyone can easily download and implement on their WordPress site.
WordPress Login Plugin #8: Nextend Facebook Connect

WordPress Login Plugin Overview
Nextend Facebook Connect, also known as Nextend Social Login and Register, allows users on your site to register for and log in to their accounts using an existing social profile.
By connecting a user’s WordPress account to their social media profile (Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.) they’re able to easily gain access to your site without having to keep track of a whole new set of login credentials. Best of all, users can connect as many accounts as they want to each social profile, thus significantly decreasing the number of passwords they have to manage.
Key Login Plugin Features
Nextend Facebook Connect offers both free and paid versions of the plugin. With their free plan, you’ll have access to features like:
- One-click login with Facebook, Google, and Twitter
- Automatically display social media profile pictures as avatar
- Custom redirect URLs after both registration and login
- Access to accounts with or without social profiles
For even more features, their Pro Add-ons include pro providers such as Amazon, LinkedIn, PayPal, and Apple.
Why Your Website Needs This WordPress Login Plugin
When individuals are forced to create another new account for your website, you run the risk of increased user abandonment. On the other hand, social login capabilities allow users to register and/or log in to your site in just two clicks and a matter of seconds! The easier it is for users to get to your site, the more likely they’ll be to stick around.
Limitations of this Plugin
Social media sign-in authentication comes with a significant set of vulnerabilities and user concerns. For one thing, not everyone looking to register with your website already has a Facebook account. Additionally, even those who do have a social media profile to use may not trust a tech giant like Facebook with their sensitive information.
Nextend Facebook Connect offers a free plan to get started, as well as Pro features that can be unlocked beginning at only $50.
WordPress Login Plugin #9: WP Forms
WordPress Login Plugin Overview
WP Forms provides user-friendly form templates that can be easily implemented in any WordPress site, including Contact, Payment, Survey, Newsletter, and Registration forms. Even better, each of these forms can be built and/or adapted to fit your site with no coding experience necessary.

After building and implementing such forms in your site, WP Forms continues to be of use by providing key insights into data collected by each page. That way, you can grow your business and make necessary adjustments to better fit your needs.
Key Login Plugin Features
WP Forms’ plugin provides the following key features:
- Drag and drop form builder
- Hundreds of pre-made templates
- Mobile-friendliness
- User registration
- Data management
Plus, WP Forms offers integrations with PayPal, Stripe, Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor, and more to provide even more extensive functionality.
Why Your Website Needs This WordPress Login Plugin
WP Forms has a repertoire of over 100 pre-made web forms that can save your team the time from having to create your own. Whether you’re looking for an efficient registration process, an easily integrated payment system, or both, WP Forms likely has a template for you.
Limitations of this Plugin
This plugin is a convenient online form builder which offers registration and login forms. However, as efficient as the process is, it’s not necessarily a secure one. Bear this in mind as you build your site and make sure to implement additional security measures as well.
WP Forms offers a free plugin with limited capabilities, although to unlock the most powerful forms you’ll need to invest in one of their professional plans starting at only $80/year.
WordPress Login Plugin #10: WooCommerce
WordPress Login Plugin Overview
WooCommerce is an intuitive WordPress plugin that allows businesses, organizations, and individuals to sell items online with a customizable and easy-to-use web store. This plugin can take an existing e-store to the next level or assist as you start from scratch, resulting in a strategically designed e-commerce page in mere minutes.

Shopping cart abandonment is a huge problem in the e-commerce space, which is why WooCommerce works to reduce that number by providing a seamless and user-friendly shopping experience.
Key Login Plugin Features
WooCommerce offers the following key features:
- Beautifully designed product, shopping cart, and checkout pages
- Highly secure integrated digital payment processor
- Modifiable shipping options
- Google and Facebook social integrations
With WooCommerce, you have all the tools you need to create and maintain a high-quality e-commerce site.
Why Your Website Needs This WordPress Login Plugin
When users are required to walk through the steps of creating a dedicated account and re-entering their payment information before purchasing anything from your website, you run the risk of them abandoning the transaction altogether. With WooCommerce, the process is so quick and easy that users will be more likely to complete their purchase and return again in the future.
Limitations of this Plugin
This WordPress plugin offers a powerful retail solution, but it is not a method of authentication by itself. However, because sites utilizing this plugin typically involve sensitive user data and payment information, it’s important to implement the highest levels of security alongside such a tool.
WooCommerce is free to download, with premium features offered at an additional cost. They also have a free mobile app to help you manage your online store!
WordPress Login Plugin #11: Remember Me Controls

WordPress Login Plugin Overview
Remember Me Controls is a WordPress login plugin that allows you to control the way your users are able to interact with the “remember me” button on your site.
The default option on WordPress for remembering users’ credentials does not provide much room for adjustments. However, because every website is unique and as a result has different needs, this plugin gives you the ability to make the right choices for your site.
Key Login Plugin Features
Remember Me Controls can improve the usability of your site by allowing your web development team to:
- Automatically check the “remember me” box when form loads
- Customize the period of time that your site will remember users when checked
- Disable the feature altogether
By having more control over your options, you can better establish a system that caters to your users’ needs.
Why Your Website Needs This WordPress Login Plugin
Users are often inclined to choose passwords that are simple to remember and quick to enter, which tends to lead to easily hackable credentials that follow certain patterns. When a user knows they won’t have to re-enter their login information every time, they’re more likely to choose passwords that meet higher security standards. This way it’s easier for users to enter your site and more difficult for unauthorized activity to get through.
Limitations of this Plugin
A “remember me” option on any website, while convenient, opens up the site and its users to potential harm. These options utilize persistent cookies which can be stolen fairly easily by active cyber-criminals, essentially leaving an account open to attack.
Remember Me Controls is a free WordPress plugin for all to use.
Improving your login experience is a huge part of ensuring your website’s overall success. Using these WordPress login plugins, you’ll be able to brand your login page, ensure a streamlined and user-friendly experience, and secure your accounts. And the best part is that each plugin requires little to no coding— so even a novice can create powerful forms in minutes.
For more information on securing your website, check out these additional resources:
- A Modern Password: 6 Top Tips for A Secure Login Process. Did you know that the vast majority of password-protected accounts are insecure? Take a look at these best practices for ensuring your users’ accounts are safe.
- Website Authentication: The Complete Guide with FAQs. Effective website authentication practices are crucial for any site. Check out our comprehensive guide to learn how you can improve your web authentication methods and provide a better user experience.
- Security Authentication vs. Authorization | A Quick Guide. What’s the difference between authentication and authorization? Both are essential for effective web security, and the two processes go hand in hand to create a powerful system. Explore this brief guide to find out more.